Experienced Appraisers
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Automotive and Transportation-Related Services
- Appraised a large, regional recreational vehicle dealership to be used in connection with the company's conversion from C corporation to S corporation status for federal income tax purposes.
- Valued nonvoting shareholder interests in a Mexican investment holding company that included the valuation of direct and indirect fractional ownership interests in 14 automobile dealerships, a vehicle leasing company, an auto dealership real estate leasing company and shares of closely-held stock in a commercial bank (all located and operating in Mexico).
- Provided business valuation and consulting services in a divorce matter that required appraisals of the family-owned trucking company, industrial equipment rental company, and demolition company.

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Hear from Our Clients
"I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your team""I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for all your hard work on providing an opinion of fair market value regarding membership interests of my Company."
- Principle of a privately-held investment management company